Botanical Name: (Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia belerica &Terminalia Chebula)

Family:  Combretaceae

Common Name/ Other Name: TRIPHALA

Colour and Appearance: Brown coloured  powder

Place of origin: INDIA

Plant Part Used: Fruits ( Amla , Baheda& Harad)

Extraction Type : Water

Active Content/Ingredients): Tannin 20%-40%

Testing Method:  Titration Method

Application : GIT Protective Agent, Anti inflammatory ,Anti oxidant

Packing: 25 Kg HDPE drum with double polybags inner side


Therapeutic Uses:   

In addition to laxative action, Triphala research has found the formula to be potentially effective for several clinical uses such as appetite stimulation, reduction of hyperacidity, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, antibacterial, antimutagenic, adaptogenic, hypoglycemic, antineoplastic..