Botanical Name:  Terminalia arjuna

Family: Combretaceae

Common Name/ Other Name: Arjuna

Colour and appearance:  Reddish Brown coloured powder

Place of origin: INDIA/NEPAL/AFRICA

Plant Part Used:  Dry Chal/Bark

Extraction Type :  Water

Active Content/Ingredients: Tannins 20%-40%

Testing Method:  Titration Method

Packing : 25 Kg HDPE drum with double polybags inner side

Application : GIT Protective  Agent,Antipyretic ,Laxative


Therapeutic  Uses:

Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as arjuna, belongs to the family of Combretaceae. Its bark decoction is being used in the Indian subcontinent for anginal pain, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and dyslipidemia, based on the observations of ancient physicians for centuries.