Botanical Name : Commiphora guidottii / Commiphora erythraea

Plant Family : Burseraceae

Common Method of Extraction : Steam Distilled

Plant Part Typically Used  : Gum/Resin

Color  :  Pale Yellow

Consistency  : Thin

Perfumery Note  : Middle/Base

Strength of Initial Aroma : Medium



Therapeutic  used of  OPOPONAX :

Opoponax resins have been used for centuries in perfumery and for treating wounds and clearing respiratory congestion. Its essential oil is distilled from the natural resin that’s excreted by healthy Commiphora Erythrea trees, native to East Africa.

Opoponax provides pain relief and is also used as an antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties. Opoponax oil is used in perfumary, helps fight infection and provide relief for sore muscles. Traditionally, Opoponax was used to treat coughs, mouth sores, and wounds.