Botanical Name:  Momordica  Charantia

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Common Name/ Other Name:   Karela Extract

Colour and appearance:  Brown coloured powder with bitter taste

Place of origin:   INDIA/AFRICA/ASIA

Extraction Type : Hydroalcoholic & Water

Active Content/Ingredients: Bitters/Charantin Content  4-5%

Part Used:- Dried fruits

Testing Method:  HPLC/GV

Packing: 25 Kg HDPE drum with double polybags inner side

Application : Blood sugar support, Diabetes Management


Therapeutic  Uses:

The Karela extract is traditionally used as vegetable insulin as it might have antioxidant and antidiabetic properties. Its antidiabetic effect is tested in both animals and humans. When tested in an animal model, the entire plant, including fruit pulp and seed, showed potential antidiabetic property.