Botanical Name: Commiphora Mukul

Family:  Burseraceae

Common Name/ Other Name: Guggul

Colour and Appearance:  Yellowish  Colour Powder

Place of origin: AFRICA/INDIA

Plant Part Used:  Oleo  gum resin

Type of Extraction : Hydroalcoholic

Active Content/ Ingredients : Guggulsterones

Testing Method: HPLC/UV

Packing: 25 Kg HDPE drum with double polybags inner side

Application: Cardiovascular health,joint mobility &health /maintain healthy cholesterol level


 Therapeutic Uses:-

Guggul contains plant steroids that might affect cholesterol levels in the body. One of these substances might also reduce redness and swelling from acne. People use guggul for acne, obesity, high cholesterol, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.